DANet: Direction-Aware Network for Lane Segmentation

Haoyu Fang1,3
Jing Zhu1,3
Muhammad Osama Khan1,2
Muhammad Muneeb Afzal1,2
Yi Fang1,2,3
Feng Gao4

1NYU Multimedia and Visual Computing Lab
2New York University Abu Dhabi
3New York University Tandon School of Engineering

Lane detection is of great importance in autonomous driving systems since it provides the instance segmentation of lanes separated from the background image. Recent deep learning models have been proposed to improve the lane detection techniques to better address challenging issues such as lane occlusion, low visibility, extreme weather conditions, and so on. In this paper, we present a novel approach, named Direction-aware Network (DANet), to further advance current techniques for the detection of the curved lanes in addition to the straight ones. A novel curvature feature representation, which can efficiently describe most curve lanes in real-world applications, is exploited to accurately locate curve lane lines in the images. Besides, three main components are interwoven to each other in our proposed DANet, including Primary Convolutional Neural Network (P-CNN), Far-Near Convolutional Neural Network (FN-CNN) and Bend Network (BendNet). The first component, P-CNN, encodes the visual features from the input image into a latent feature map, which is then fed separately to both FN-CNN and BendNet. FN-CNN then extracts horizontal and vertical feature maps, whereas BendNet generates horizontal and vertical orientation weights to weight the corresponding feature maps, allowing the network to learn the curvature of the lanes. Finally, the combined feature map is used to produce a probability map which in turn yields the desired instance segmentation results. Experiments on the CULane dataset [25] show that our proposed DANet delivers outstanding performance on on curved lane detection as well as comparable results on regular lane detection.



Haoyu Fang, Jing Zhu, Muhammad Osama Khan, Muhammad Muneeb Afzal, Yi Fang, Feng Gao

DANet: Direction-Aware Network for Lane Segmentation

Preprint, 2020




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